homebrew Paladin Ranger Sorcerer Warlock Wizard

Building the Arcane Hybrid

Quite some time ago, I wrote about the crazy disorganized state of the arcane hybrid in D&D 5e. This situation has only been exacerbated by the recent UAs released. It’s pretty clear at this point the staff desires to shove as many “magical melee” in the different existing magic-users as possible. I get it, to a degree. Everyone has their favorite version, and pairing it down to core functionality associated with hybrids might become an onerous task, particularly since this design team was behind much of the nouveau-iconic 4e spellblades. I’m not a hater on this front, the assault swordmage was super fun to play. However, with a new edition and a focus on a expansionist class framework, it seems like a waste to keep putting out a pile of archetypes for every possible spellcaster in the game, and multiple archetypes for certain concepts. As I stated before, so much of the design space is either dedicated to how the archetype blends magic and weapons, with many features just being straight lifts from other archetypes. How many times do you need to see “cast a spell, and makes an attack” as a distinct feature? Well, a lot more if you follow the current model.

Part of the problem is the help for arcane hybrids has been more than just archetypes. Cantrips are a huge deal when considering arcane hybrids. This is mostly because Forgotten Realms has established iconic arcane hybrids all over the place. Whatever was part of their package before carries over to 5e through these cantrips, though I would have loved to see more as combat die, and they are just clear examples of power creep. I love so much about 5e design, but booming blade and greenflame blade just do so damn much. This is a problem for many reasons, not least of all because I hate to see power creep like this, as it becomes the new template, but it also immediately separates the other two hybrids from all the arcane hybrid version. Paladins and rangers don’t get cantrips in their classes, and the arcane hybrids getting the beefy cantrips creates an immediate power issue. In many cases, the archetypes also get full spell progression. It’s kind of crazy. What I am saying is – how can you balance something like valor bard against eldritch knight fighter? It’s a tall task, and one that hasn’t been done all that well, as of yet.

Don’t Even Cantrip, Dog

This might be too controversial, but…how about we DON’T give the arcane hybrid cantrips?

*pause for pearl clutching*

I am serious. Paladin and rangers don’t get cantrips. It’s not as if having cantrips would really break them. You’d get shillelagh, which could make a more spellcasting focused ranger work, I guess? Besides stopping the proliferation of guidance there isn’t much to worry about from the cantrip list. Then again, guidance takes careful governance on behalf of the DM to make sure it doesn’t just run wild (Seriously, I’d rate it as the most abused/problematic cantrip in the game, hands down). Greenflame blade could have easily have been called deific blade or something similar, have dealt radiant damage or necrotic damage, and there we go. It could have easily have been called bramble blade and have dealt additional piercing damage. Instead – no cantrips, no precedent, and that’s that for the paladin and ranger. Their class mechanics are then balanced around doing things that aren’t a spell every turn, which helps bring their hybrid nature into focus.

Allowing breathing room for all the things the core class should do is important. Without the emphasis on full spell and core class progression, all sorts of opportunities are opened up. So many of the things that need to be consistently reinvented become core to the class, class-specific spells get designed, and you can now have a thematic through-line that guides the basics before delving into the archetypes. Having the hybrid actually feel like a hybrid is pretty important. A paladin smiting is more than just using a spell and making an attack. In fact, one of the problems with other hybrid designs is this design is so good that people want to consistently re-use it. Ranger could use some more love here, as I’ve mentioned a lot, I don’t deny.

Moving away from the cantrip is one of the best possible decisions for a cohesive arcane hybrid class. Another solution would be to ONLY allow cantrips, and build out from there, but I think that gets a too narrow on the arcane side of things. It wouldn’t be the worst thing, but you’d end up setting aside design space to turn those cantrips into spells you would expect a hybrid to already produce. It would also run counter to the established hybrid design. In short: you could do it, but you’d be better off not doing it.

What is My Purpose in Life?

“You pass the butter.”

“Oh my god.”

As with any class, an arcane hybrid needs to bring something unique to the table in order to justify its existence, but that something needs to be a strong thematic element. Paladins make oaths to the gods, with penalties and an archetype change associated with breaking those oaths, and are meant to be leaders, expressed by their auras and group-buffing spells, and they are meant to be able to act in the name of their god when action needs to be taken, smiting and Oath of Vengeance in specific. This is a clear theme supported by mechanics. It’s great stuff. The arcane-hybrid needs to be similarly strong thematically and mechanically. I’m not talking about actual strength of their mechanics, but rather how their mechanics support their theme.

One of the areas that isn’t seeing a lot of space occupied at the moment is battlefield preparation and manipulation. Yes, spells can provide difficult terrain, damage, and status effects, but bless and heroism supply friendly buffs and the paladins still have auras. There is the space here to make this a core theme rather than something solely produced by spells. Still, we want this to be easy to use. Zones were often a pain in 4e, but 5e has plenty of effects centered on the characters. There are some spells and effects that roil around the battlefield, but those are a rarity as opposed to the being the norm. Having a methodology to alter the battlefield and make it terrible when you do something is a good first step, and one that would parallel smiting more than the auras.

For something like auras, I believe the arcane hybrid would be a student of both magic and martial pursuits. These martial pursuits might vary (ranged, melee, skullduggery, etc.), but having unique insights and schemes is a good niche to fill. Allies should benefit from their actions rather than from their presence, like the paladin, and it shouldn’t be entirely selfish, like the ranger. Instead, I’d like to see conditional effects based on the actions of the arcane hybrid. After attacking then X, after moving then Y, after casting a spell then Z, that sort of thing. These would be core class functions, but have splash into the archetype space (paladins have two auras as part of their core, and then have additional in their archetype, for example).

One of the least used mechanics thus far in 5e is vulnerability. I understand the reticence, double damage is crazy! Funny enough, I always thought this was a little odd, since resistance is half damage but vulnerability is double damage. Doing 50% less damage and 100% more damage aren’t the same scaling. I understand this is for ease of play, but this is something that could easily be worked around to see it more often in this class. For example, vulnerability up to a cap determined by your class level. You’d have a chance to do 50 extra damage (throwing this out here as a random number) from a spell or hit as a 10th level arcane hybrid if you did 50 damage, but it wouldn’t necessarily be 100 extra damage if you did 100 base damage. These are just example numbers, so don’t get too caught up in them.

Like with paladin and ranger, it would also require its own spells. This is probably one of the easier tasks, to be honest.


Archetypes for the hybrid would be what we already know and love, the eldritch knight, the arcane trickster, the hexblade, the bladesinger, the arcane archer, etc. Once you have the core framework in place, it’s much easier to support myriad hybrid ideas within it. You carry more within the archetypes when you don’t have to re-hash, after all. An expansion or alteration of the given spell list is a must. However, dealing with the archetypes under a cohesive umbrella means the relative strength of each archetype should be similar. In some cases this will be a huge improvement, and in some cases this is merely a shifting of power.

The biggest fear, here, is the homogenization of the concepts. I don’t think that is too much of a worry, as there isn’t any doubt the vengeance paladin feels different than the ancient paladin, for example. There will be a bit of locking to weapon type, but it’s not like arcane archery lends itself to a maul, for example. Throwing spears? Sure, I don’t see why not. The answer is probably “because tradition,” but I’m obviously not a classicist.

Next Time On…

The next step is obviously first iteration class design. I don’t promise that soon, but getting the ideas down is a huge second step. Coming up with core spells along with that is important, too, and might be more digestible. Then again, I’ve only gotten through cantrips, 1st, and 2nd level spells for the OGL work. Too many papers, not enough time to pen them all. Still, I am just glad I have gotten this far.


  1. I am absolutely keen to see your approach with this. I too am not satisfied enough with the Eldritch Knight/Bladesinger etc. and believe that the arcane hybrid archetype is common/popular enough to warrant it as a separate class. Like you said though, finding the theme of the class, finding what makes it different enough to be its own class is the biggest hurdle. Sure you can stab with a sword and blow someone up with a fireball but so can the next wizard… what makes this class be its own class…

    1. I am leaning towards a theme of orders with specific codes that govern behavior, engagement, and application of magic. These would be more inline with chivalric orders of the 11th-ish century than the later 1500’s and onward concept. I’m not a historian and I don’t want to straight lift, just sort of stating my initial concepts. This would also include room for orders that rebel against these initial codes, allowing room for things like arcane tricksters or hexblades to make some sort of conceptual appearance. I’m still marshaling my thoughts on it, but that’s where I am at for the moment.

  2. Especially with the new Unearthed Arcanas, it feels like 5e is rushing towards a gish convergence. I support the general concept of the arcane hybrid, especially considering how multiclassed caster/fighters aren’t as efficient as their arcane hybrid counterparts, but I don’t want a general homogenization of all classes that leads to everyone being able to use a weapon well and be a full/half caster. There is something to be appreciated in class purity, even if that sounds snooty.

    1. I agree. The themes are so diluted as to almost be meaningless when there are so many versions of them out there. I understand their perspective of THIS being the line in the sand they will use to bring forth the myriad concepts from 3.X, but I just disagree with it 🙂

  3. This is an old post, and I am not sure how much attention you will pay to the comments, but I’ll take a shot anyway. I’ve personally been working on three different Arcane Hybrid characters. All three ideas are generally in the vein of the Paladin, being d10 heavy armor users with full access to Martial weapons and Shields, acting as a half-caster. Maybe my ideas will spur something in your own progress (not sure how far along you are at this point, but its worth a shot).

    Option number 1 has no solid name at this point in time, but is tentatively called the Arcane Knight.
    A close combat type character that alternates between spell and sword to bring down his targets. His primary class feature functions off of 2 debuffs. The first I called Eldritch Blight. Each time the Knight strikes a target with a spell, he applies a stack of Eldritch Blight, stacking up to a cap equal to their highest spell slot level. The next melee attack against the Blighted target will pop the Blight, causing the attack to deal +1d8 force damage per stack of Blight on the target. The second debuff is called Eldritch Echoes. Each time the Knight strikes a target with a weapon he applies a stack of Eldritch Echoes. The next spell that targets the victim causes the Echoes to pop, dealing +1d8 force damage per stack of Echoes on the target. Spells that have multiple strikes (such as Magic Missile, or Firebolt) would count as multiple hits for the purpose of stacking Blight.
    I haven’t decided if the Blight and Echoes should be procced by allies as well as the character, or just the character. I am leaning towards the latter, though the former would make for a very interesting support role in a class.

    Option number 2 also has no solid name, though I am currently using Necromancer as its title.
    A close combat type character that focuses primarily on damage. Does not have proficiency with shields, and has options that lend it more to a 2-handed weapon build. This class has multiple options for summoning “pets”, be they summoned monsters, elementals, or undead. He also exudes an aura of dread to all enemies near him. The Necromancer uses his pets to draw the attention of his foes, while being able to really punish targets at nearly any range. This class focuses highly on using spells like Hex or Bestow Curse, as well as necrotic and cold type spells to bring down his victims. He can also enchant his weapon with either necrotic or cold damage. This character is mostly focused towards controlling the battlefield, directing his minions to limit his enemies options and cut them down.

    Option number 3 is the Spellsword, the only one with a solid name.
    The class is designed around the idea of channeling spells into her weapons. The character replaces somatic components with blade flourishes and the like. All damaging spells are channeled into the Spellswords weapon, causing all spell rolls to be treated as Attack rolls instead. The Spellsword has the ability to reflexively channel a cantrip through any melee attack that they make, or to choose to focus a higher level spell. The Spellsword has the innate ability to exclude herself from any AoE spells that she casts similar to how the Evocation Wizard can exclude targets, though this ability is limited to the Spellsword herself. The Spellsword has also learned how to interrupt the flow of magic with her blade. When a target within range of the Spellswords melee attack begins to channel cast a spell, the Spellsword may immediately make a contested attack roll. If the Spellswords roll exceeds the spell attack roll, the Spellsword cuts the magic flow, cancelling the spell all together.

    If you like or use any of my ideas, let me know. They are all still really rough, and haven’t been balanced yet, but I think all 3 offer interesting gameplay options.

    1. Thank you for sharing your ideas. There are two further posts I have where I discuss what I am interested in doing with the arcane hybrid. If you are interested, give them a look.

      The ideas you have shared are interesting. I think you could combine a lot of these ideas and have the stuff that doesn’t work as core end up being part of the archetypes for them. I’d consider staying away from options that limit weapon choice to any further degree that the established classes. Ranger already does it more than the other classes to their detriment, in my opinion. Regardless, if you flesh them out to the end, I’d be interested in seeing them.

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